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![Patriarch Lineage Table Patriarch Lineage Table](
Yahveh Illustration
This design illustrates the 4 Hebrew letters that comprise the personal Name of YHVH -"Yahveh" or "Yahweh", The LORD of Israel. His Name is praised and appears over 6,800 times throughout the Scriptures that we refer to as the "Old Testament" (the Jewish "Tanak" ~ Torah, Prophets, and Writings). In most English Bibles ~ "The Lord" ~ is the familiar and accepted transliteration. Though a term of honor and a familiar declaration of authority, it obscures the Glory of His Personal and Eternal Name.
The YHVH print is lovingly offered to be copied & printed to Glorify His Name! It may not be used in any manner for resale, and is protected under © of authorship 2009. Also, please be aware that The Name of The Father is Sacred, and it should not be printed and discarded. Please link to my site if you use the image, so that it the educational materials can go forward. Let any who choose to use it with selfish intention or ill will know they will have to give account to Yahveh. Be blessed to be respectful & honoring.
Psalms 145:13 "Let them praise the Name of YHVH, for His Name alone is exalted; His majesty is above earth and heaven."
Yeshua Hand card
The Hebraic form of the Name of Jesus is ~ "Yeshua" ~ literally meaning ~ "will save". The 4 Hebrew letters of His Name are on our hand!
During the Babylonian exile of the Jewish people (circa 586 BC) the Hebrew Aleph Bet under went a change from pictographic symbols (Paleo Hebrew) to the now familiar letterform written in Torah scrolls. How amazing that the development of these letters are mirrored in our right hand!!! Hebrew is read from right to left, so holding the right hand up and out, it reads to the observer & (and to our Father) starting with the thumb... "yod, shin, vav, ayin". It is literally a small stacking "hand glyph" for Yeshua's Name. I see a 3-fold beauty in the presence of His Name on our hand...
1) Salutation and Praise
2) Request for Help of The Savior
3) Healing touch, in His Name
"I am ever mindful of Yahweh's Presence; He is at my right hand; I shall never be shaken. So my heart rejoices, my whole being exults, and my body rests secure." Psalm 16:8
Assemblage Art
The works below are a small sampling of a 3-dimensional art form called "Assemblages" ("the fitting together of parts and pieces"). For many years this was the main focus of my design business and I have sold over 250 of these as of 2009. At 2 junctures in my "career" I thought I was concluding with this art format and actually liquidated my studio in order to reduce the ballast of materials that are needed to pursue this type of work. Low & behold, I keep returning to this process & end up recollecting items for this purpose! Though I always realized that my inclination towards this 3-d format stemmed from a love of antiques, recycling, and quirkiness, I have recently come to understand that it has a deeper spiritual significance. It is a fitting metaphor for retrieving and reconfiguring the beauty in what has been cast off and "broken". As many unrelated items come together to tell a larger story, it is clearly an example of "synergy", that "the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts". I believe our Father Yahveh sees us in this process.
The Assemblage piece above depicts an old famous guy ... Archimedes (Mathematician & Inventor). His discovery of the relationship between the surface and volume of a sphere, & it's circumscribing cylinder (i.e. the pi connection) led to his invention of the water screw (a mechanical device for moving water uphill). It is uncertain whether he made or understood the type of functional screws we use today, but it is surely a "spin off".
Gallery show - "Storied compositions"
"Ad Astra Astronomers" is constructed of old Erector set pieces, collected & created objects, including the wood cutouts of my favorite astronomers: Copernicus, Kepler, and Newton.
"Storied Compositions" opened at Art Affair Gallery (Jul-Sept, 2007) and coincided with the unveiling of the commemorative Assemblage works I created for Baker University in Baldwin, Kansas.
Baker University Assemblage Project
Main Assemblage
Over the past several years I have been enjoying the transition from 3-d constructions, into collaged Photoshop Illustration. This return to my roots in Commercial Illustration, and has opened a fabulous world of imagery and intent. It is easy to see how much my Assemblage work influences my Graphic designs. I also spend a great deal of time "picturizing" the Biblical Geometry principles that I have been researching for years.
My favorite son!
"rem•i•nisce - verb [intrans.] - to indulge in enjoyable recollection of past events."
I passed by this sketch, (in a long neglected journal many pages back), when making a visual note to myself for a future assemblage layout. When he was young I often tried to capture that angelic look while he slept. He's handsome, smart, kind and almost 21. He will always be my favorite only child! :)
Owl pic of the year
This is my personal thrill pic. I had returning Barred owls (ha) to the creek line next to my tiny patio early this summer, and was able to walk out and snap shots of these 2 from only about 12 ft away. Absolutely a surreal experience for me (having only seen live owls in the wild for the first time in my life last year)! The squirrel and owl stayed where they were so long that even after I came into the house, uploaded the photos and thought they looked a little blurry, I was able to go BACK outside and capture this! I called them nonchalant friends, both totally unconcerned with each others proximity (the owl was there first and the squirrel determined that it was safe to gnaw on the branch it was intent on stripping bark from). In a way they perfectly personify "composure & goofiness"!