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Most lineage charts assume an inconsequential value to the Patriarch age details in the Book of Genesis. This Unique Table format shows Adam's genealogy thru Joseph (spanning 2309 yrs), and provides a clear, organized format to study the hidden framework revealed by the inferred "place holding values" (chronicled by births, deaths, & key events in Genesis). Numerical analysis of Scripture continues to reveal substructures in the text. Are we perhaps overlooking a unique "master blueprint" pertaining to creation & the sciences? Careful examination points to calendrical cycles & numerical codings. Consider Sarah (the only Matriarch lineage), a lunation timepiece? Abraham, born in the Hebrew year 1948, foreshadowing 1948 AD when Israel became a State. Are the End Time "days of Noah" coded to his lineage record? Included: 3 Table formats, brief discussion of relevancy, plus 1874 Bible chart. 11pgs.

The 1st Census of the 12 Tribes of Israel (Num 1:20-47), encodes a remarkable dataset when converted into a geometric format! The angular properties demonstrate a congruence w/ the 3-dimensional form of the dodecahedron. This blueprint reveals a world where math & religion do not assume separate positions. The interpretation & consequence of the Tribes of Israel Geometry, deserves careful analysis. It is intended to inspire a serious examination of all complex number sets situated in the Text of the Torah. In addition to terrestrial & astrophysical mapping potential, implications of a molecular correspondence are also inherent. Illustrated charts give a detailed overview of an untapped geometrical “map”. 11 pgs.