Assemblage Art
The works below are a small sampling of a 3-dimensional art form called "Assemblages" ("the fitting together of parts and pieces"). For many years this was the main focus of my design business and I have sold over 250 of these as of 2009. At 2 junctures in my "career" I thought I was concluding with this art format and actually liquidated my studio in order to reduce the ballast of materials that are needed to pursue this type of work. Low & behold, I keep returning to this process & end up recollecting items for this purpose! Though I always realized that my inclination towards this 3-d format stemmed from a love of antiques, recycling, and quirkiness, I have recently come to understand that it has a deeper spiritual significance. It is a fitting metaphor for retrieving and reconfiguring the beauty in what has been cast off and "broken". As many unrelated items come together to tell a larger story, it is clearly an example of "synergy", that "the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts". I believe our Father Yahveh sees us in this process.